The maxim that quality is remembered longer after price is forgotten is everlasting.
We firmly believe that it is the quality of our product that determines customer satisfaction and retention and it is this maxim that is enshrined in all our efforts.
Quality specifications and procedures are enforced as per our clients guidelines or by our own stringent quality assurance procedures.
A passion for detail work culture enforced by rigorous and stringent quality control measures from fiber to fabric to finished product implemented by teams of experienced, skilled and highly motivated manpower for all operations ensure quality is built into the merchandise.
We have a permanent field presence by having qualified and experience personnel placed at every stage of production process from fabric, trim and factory floor to not only ensure product is made to highest quality standard but is also made in an ethical work environment ensuring finished product is to the customer's satisfaction.
Trouble shooting teams carry out unannounced quality checks ensuring adherence to the strictest compliance standards.
Regular and random Testing is conducted as well as per Clients request at MTL, Intertek and SGS laboratories. Testing Methods conform to ISO, BSEN & AATC.
Onsite inspections of raw materials, inline inspections of production floor and pre-final shipment inspection are carried out rigorously and in conformity to international inspection procedural standards.